Old news: it’s official. Real Ark found… again

It’s in Turkey. Seriously. I mean it. Totally there. If you can believe the researchers, that is. Chinese researchers planted evidence on Mount Ararat when they went hunting for a documentary (wrote about that here) but the Pravda piece takes readers back through the history of the Noah’s Ark story and why people have concluded the ark really did land up there. It takes a special kind of person to want real proof that God’s mass genocide of every species on earth. I think these people must also love to think that they’re descendents of God’s chosen few. Never mind just how inbred humans would have been after several generations of nothing but close relatives to mate with; all that would have resulted was a race of people as bad off as Charles II of Spain. Yes? But anyway, on with quoting Pravda’s piece:

In 1960, Lihan Durupinar, a captain of the Turkish army, made several aerial photos. On one of those photos, Durupinar saw a strange object staying at the height of 6,350 feet in Ararat Mountains. The object was shaped as a ship and was nearly 500 feet long. A mission of US and Turkish scientists set off on a mission to the mountains soon after the photo had been published.

At the height of nearly 7,000 feet above the sea level, they saw a flat plot of land covered with grass. The plot looked like a ship indeed. The size of the plot of land was very close to that mentioned in the Bible. The scientists did not conduct a detailed examination of the site. They simply concluded that the strange formation was nothing else but a natural phenomenon.

And it’s a pity things didn’t just end there. Too bad a detailed examination wasn’t done to prove it truly was a naturally occurring plot of land that was vaguely ship shaped. An American doctor and amateur archeologist by the name of Ron Wyatt saw the picture and became obsessed with proving the Ark had landed up there. He managed a trek to the mountain in the ’70s and found rocks there that he believed had been used as anchors for it.

Ron had seen the photos of those rocks in archeology books before. The rocks with holes drilled in them served as anchors for ancient vessels. It turned out that there were crosses engraved on all local rocks.

Which makes me ask what difference the crosses make. Were these actually Noah’s rocks, the crosses wouldn’t have been on them when he used them since the cross as a symbol of God was something of a late addition. And let’s be honest — those holes could have been drilled in those rocks any time after 1960 once locals realized there were people gullible enough to think the ark had actually been there. None of those sensible ideas came to Wyatt at the time, though, and more treks to the site happened over the years, each excursion revealing more “proof” he was on the right track.

In December 1986, Turkish officials representing interior and foreign ministries, as well as a group of researchers from the city of Ataturk approved the official solution saying that the formation discovered by Ron Wyatt and his colleagues contained the remains of Noah’s Ark indeed.

Many discussions have taken place since the “official” discovery of Noah’s Ark. Some scientists say that Wyatt indeed discovered the Biblical vessel, whereas others deny this theory. The search for the Ark still continues.

And it beats me why people bother. As a story it’s kind of a grim one. The rainbow connection (sorry) is just plain daft and again I bring up the fact that two – or even seven – pairs of each type of animal is not going to work to repopulate a world. “But it was a miracle!” Blah blah. It was a story, probably the spawn of several different stories told by cultures at the time attempting to explain why the world was how it was. I don’t think any of them should have been taken as real answers to whatever the questions may have been. It’s a waste of time, energy and resources to work on proving it all to be true.

About 1minionsopinion

Canadian Atheist Basically ordinary Library employee Avid book lover Ditto for movies Wanna-be writer Procrastinator
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