Are you gay? You must have a fart demon.

According to Bert Farias of Holy Fire ministries anyway. He’s adamant that stinky demons live in every gay person. Fart demons.

In an interview with Charisma magazine, Farias begged gay people to “not get upset with me” as he explained his groundbreaking new theory.

“[You] will see that I am actually trying to help you,” he assured them.

He continued: “Homosexuality is actually a demon spirit. It is such a putrid smelling demon that other demons don’t even like to hang around it.”

The “real proof” he has for this apparently comes from a biblical story where Jesus sent demons into pigs and the pigs drowned themselves rather than live in pigs forever. I don’t know this story so I take from gotquestions:

Why the demons begged to be allowed to enter the swine is unclear from the account. It could be because they didn’t want to leave the area where they had been successful in doing their mischief among the people. Perhaps they were drawn to the unclean animals because of their own filthiness.

I guess the latter thought is what Farias had in mind. Back to the article from Queerty:

“A genuine prophet of God told me that the Lord allowed him to smell this demon spirit, and he got sick to his stomach,” he said.

Farias also warned that the growing acceptance of homosexuality in the United States is a sign from the man upstairs that our society is in “the last stages of decay” and that there will be severe “destructive physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences.”

He can think this if he wants, I guess, but if he’s well known enough, or popular enough, then his weird thoughts on homosexuality will be passed onto other believers who’ll continue to spread this fart demon pig story around as if it’s truly God’s proof that homosexuality is the biggest sin of all, even though the original story has nothing at all to do with homosexuality directly. But, when has that stopped anyone…

Gotquestions again:

The Bible doesn’t explain to us Jesus’ reasoning, but displaying His sovereign power over demons could be one reason why Jesus sent them into the pigs. If the pigs’ owners were Jews, Jesus could have been rebuking them for violating Mosaic law which forbids Jews from eating or keeping unclean animals such as swine (Leviticus 11:7). If the swineherds were Gentiles, perhaps Jesus was using this miraculous event to show them the malice of evil spirits under whose influence they lived, as well as displaying His own power and authority over creation. In any case, the owners were so terrified to be in the presence of such spiritual power that they made no demand for restitution for the loss of their property and begged Jesus to leave the region.

It’s such a stupid story. Small wonder I never came across it before, although now that I look at the Skeptics Annotated Bible, I see where the “I am Legion” notion comes from — this guy with the demons that begged to go into the pigs. I’m more familiar with Legion from Red Dwarf. A far better and more clever story if I do say so. The crew lands on a strange planet with evidence of great intelligence and discover Legion. Kryten does a bang-up job with his logical solution to the problem they have once they realize Legion does not intend to let them leave again. Well done, Kryters. Well done.

About 1minionsopinion

Canadian Atheist Basically ordinary Library employee Avid book lover Ditto for movies Wanna-be writer Procrastinator
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